FINAL REPORT FORM Drug Free Community Fund Grantees: Please fill this form out completely. Final Reports are Due: April 15, 2024- for July 2023-March 2024 grants January 31, 2025- for 2024 grants Grantee* Name of Funded Program* Name of Person Completing Report* Phone*Email* TOTAL AMOUNT FUNDED* What report is being submitted?* Final Report Other What is your project's intended outcome?*Were outcomes measured? If so, please share the results:*What obstacles, if any, have you encountered?*Are you on track for meeting your goals?* Has the project description in your approved grant proposal/contract been followed? If not, explain why.*If this is a service oriented project or program with participants, how many people have been served?*Are expenses incurred to date in line with those stated in the budget of the approved proposal?*Amount spent to date:*Balance of funding still available:*Any additional comments or information:Date* Month Day Year Initials of person submitting report*